Articles by Jeff Kemp

Author | Jeff Kemp

Founder and Principal Consultant

With 30 years of marketing experience I’ve been laser targeted on Marketing Automation for 10 years, seven of those as a Salesforce Certified Pardot Consultant, and more recently a HubSpot Expert.

Since I’ve worked with a lot of clients in various industries I’ve seenĀ several of the same struggles that are common to almost all organizationsĀ (as outlined inĀ this article). With each organization and project that I’m involved with I work hard to solve many of those typical problems, plus identifying and solving sometimes unique and complex issues which often involve cleaning up technical debt from legacy systems and helping organizations set up effective lead management systems using best practices and proven methodologies.

I also love dogs :0)

Optimal Business Consulting (OBC) helps organizations to implement, optimize, and maintain their existing or new Pardot (Account Engagement), Salesforce, HubSpot, or WordPress platform. OBC is proud to be a Salesforce Partner and HubSpot Partner.Ā –>More about Jeff & OBC

Pardot Sandbox (Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Sandbox) Requirements, Limitations, and Considerations

Pardot Sandbox (Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Sandbox) Requirements, Limitations, and Considerations

Which test environment should you use: Pardot Sandbox, Pardot Demo Org, Pardot Dev Org? We outline some things to take into account and highlight some of the main differences between testing environments so that you can make the best decision on which type of testing environment or ā€˜playgroundā€™ will work best for your needs.

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Does migrating marketing automation or CRM platforms actually pay off?

Does migrating marketing automation or CRM platforms actually pay off?

Are you thinking about migrating Marketing Automation or CRM platforms and wondering if itā€™s worth it? Will your company/organization be better off in the long run if you migrate MAP and/or CRM platforms? Download our ā€˜Marketing Automation & CRM Platform Migration Checklistā€˜ Google Sheet as a valuable resource to give you some things to consider before making the jump.

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Does migrating marketing automation or CRM platforms actually pay off?

Are you thinking about migrating Marketing Automation or CRM platforms and wondering if itā€™s worth it? Will your company/organization be better off in the long run if you migrate MAP and/or CRM platforms? Download our ā€˜Marketing Automation & CRM Platform Migration Checklistā€˜ Google Sheet as a valuable resource to give you some things to consider before making the jump.

How to avoid form spam using marketing automation

Best methods to defeat form spam from bots and human spammers. Whether it’s spam bots or human spammers, we’ll discuss how to identify spammers and provide a best methods on how to defeat form spam.

Quick Tip: Syncing HubSpot with Salesforce Do Not Email

If you are connecting HubSpot with Salesforce and setting up HubSpot to sync with Salesforce, you donā€™t want to map the ā€˜Marketing contact statusā€™ field directly to Salesforceā€™s ā€˜Do Not Emailā€™ (DNE) field; those fields will not sync the proper values based on how they are intended to work.


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Jeff Kemp
Author | Certified Consultant | Owner

Technology Consultant | Marketing Automation & CRM Consultant

hire Jeff Kemp | Marketing Automation & CRM Consultant

Working as an independent consultant under my company Optimal Business Consulting, I can advise on your tech stack selection and optimize your processes and platforms for improved marketing & sales effectiveness, operations, and ROI.

Brief intro about Jeff Kemp (Owner) - Watch Video:

I enjoy the intersection of working with people, processes, and technology where I can provide leadership and add value.

With over 30 years of marketing and sales experience I've been laser targeted on Marketing Automation & CRM optimization for over 10 years, eight of those as a Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement (Pardot) Consultant, and also as a Certified Salesforce Administrator and HubSpot Expert. Prior to that I have over 15 years of WordPress development experience and additional high profile roles in sales and marketing management.

I've led over 50 client consulting engagements in various industries (sometimes working through other Salesforce Partners), and with each organization and project that I'm involved with I work hard to identify and solve sometimes unique and complex issues which often involve cleaning up technical debt from legacy systems, and architecting processes and solutions to help organizations set up effective lead management systems and operational efficiencies using best practices and proven methodologies.

I also love dogs :0)

Optimal Business Consulting is proud to be a Salesforce Partner since 2018 and also became a HubSpot Solution Partner in 2023. -->More about Jeff & OBC

My superpowers:

āš”Operational Efficiency āš”Knowledge āš”Experience āš”Business Acumen āš”VersatilityĀ āš” Perseverance