Referral Program

Submit a lead or project referral to OBC

Thank you for considering sending us a referral.

We appreciate it!

Referral Program

You are eligible to receive a referral fee for up to one year of services for each referral!

Our Referral Program as outlined below is open to pretty much anyone including current and former Clients, Partners, Vendors, Vendors of Clients, Contractors, even the general public. This means you are eligible!

When applicable and where you are able to refer an attributable sale for any services to Optimal Business Consulting (OBC) that can be directly attributed as a Referred Client, a Client Referral Fee (a.k.a. commission) will be paid.

Direct Client Referral:

Where you are the intermediator in making the referral, and where you have some level of relationship with a stakeholder at the referred Company/Lead and you make the introduction between Company and OBC.

Current Clients and current registered Partners & Vendors:

  • Direct Client Referral Fee: 10% of gross sales for referred work for 12 consecutive calendar months of client billings, starting from the first invoice.

Everyone else:

  • Direct Client Referral Fee: 8% of gross sales for referred work for 12 consecutive calendar months of client billings, starting from the first invoice.

Indirect Client Referral:

Where you are simply sending a referral about a need you noticed regarding someone looking for help, where you have little or no relationship with any stakeholders at the referred Company/Lead so you are unable to make any introductions.

Current Clients and current registered Partners & Vendors:

  • Indirect Client Referral Fee: 1% of gross sales for referred work for 3 consecutive calendar months of client billings, starting from the first invoice.

Everyone else:

  • Indirect Client Referral Fee: .5% of gross sales for referred work for 3 consecutive calendar months of client billings, starting from the first invoice.

Next steps for your referral

  1. Submit the referral form below so we can follow up right away (you'll notice that most of the form fields are optional, just supply as much info as possible).
  2. If there is an introduction to be made for a direct referral, submit the referral form first, then make the introduction via email at your convenience. If you have any questions about our Referral Program you can reach out via email or schedule a call.

Referral Qualifications and Conditions

    1. Referring party must have no open invoice disputes or legal actions.
    2. Terms and existence of Referral Program and any additional income opportunities subject to change without notice.
      1. Refer to Referral Program web page for latest version or to submit new referrals.
    3. Any commissions, fees, or bonuses paid to referring party will be treated as corp-to-corp payment within any tax forms filed by Company (a 1099 may be filed). No taxes will be withheld by Company for any income to any parties.
    4. Sale must be attributable to referring party based on Company discretion.
    5. Sale must be identified as net new business, and not an existing client or lead, based on discretion of Company and reporting.
    6. Work must be successfully completed before Client Referral Fee is paid.
    7. Payment for any qualified earned Client Referral Fee will be paid to party at least 30 days but no later than 60 days after receiving full non-disputed payment from Client for attributable services, and shall be based on normal billing and payroll cycles after receipt of Client payment.
    8. Any Client Referral Fee payments or splits need to be agreed upon in advance of client invoicing.
    9. Any Customer chargebacks or refunds up to 6 months from client invoice shall require a reconciling of Client Referral Fee paid by Company to referring party, with Client Referral Fee subject to repayment by referring party to Company.
    10. If any Referral Program content within this web page is in conflict with any active agreements (including Service Agreement, Vendor Agreement, Contractor Agreement) then the content and terms within the agreement takes precedence.

If we end up doing business with your referral there will be some commission in it for you! 😄

Some conditions apply. Feel free to contact us for more details regarding our Referral Program.

Don’t forget to bookmark this page!

Referral Form