Apply to be Guest Poster
Guest posting benefits
Some very qualified contacts (some from prominent organizations) visit our website and blog as a valued resource. Any Guest Poster who writes a blog article or contributes content for our website where we actually publish their provided content may have an Author or Contributor section below the article with their basic profile (one or two paragraphs) and link to their LinkedIn profile (see website blog for examples).
This provides some great exposure and recognition for the Guest Poster! Guest Posters are encouraged to also promote their published content to social media for even more exposure.
Requirements to qualify as a Guest Poster
- To qualify to write for us Guest Posters must have specific and relative expertise that aligns with one of the topics, technologies, or markets we support.
- Guest Posters must have very good writing skills. Guest blogging is subject to Guest Poster being able to write quality content with few or no grammar and spelling errors (i.e. this is not a fit for everyone).
Guest posting content suggestions
Here are some suggestions of the type of content that typically works well:
- Benefits of certain platform
- Platform caveats and gotcha’s to look out for
- Platform comparisons (which platform is better at what, and what is not so good)
- Explanation of a process you created or use (screenshots, videos, and/or diagrams are important)
- How-to’s (features, set ups and integrations)
- Walk-throughs of your experience setting something up
- Platform feature updates
Guest posting content requirements
- Guest Posters are encouraged to suggest topics they feel they can write about as a subject matter expert (SME).
- For our target audience article content should typically be a hybrid between technical content and answers addressing pain points to decision makers for any of the technology we support.
- Guest Posters must be able to source their own images and links. Images must be provided by Guest Posters to support and enrich their content (150dpi), no larger than 1200 pixels wide.
- Attribution must be listed if any content from other sources is referred to or ‘borrowed’.
- We do not allow AI generated content to be more than 20% of any content.
- Typical word count for articles should be about 1,000 words, and a minimum of 600 words, but can be as long as needed (1,500 words or more is ok if warranted).
- It is helpful to embed content rich keywords within provided content as long as it does not adversely affect readability, but this is not a requirement.
Guest posting terms
The opportunity of writing content for our blog is an as needed opportunity. We may choose to engage with a Guest Poster or not at our discretion.
In order to maintain our standards we reserve the right to not publish or use any provided content, or to edit and/or add to any content to any extent.
Guest Posters will need to agree to either our Vendor or Contractor Agreement.
In most cases we may allow Guest Poster the option to put an approved ‘author’ bio at the end of Guest Posters’s blog posts with a link to their LinkedIn profile, or Guest Poster can post anonymously if so desired. Some articles may have ‘co-authors’ or ‘contributors’ if more than one person helped with the content. Depending on how much we update or add to provided content Guest Poster may be listed as Contributor or Co-Author rather than Author. If a large majority of the content is provided by OBC then in such cases we may make OBC the sole author.
Guest Poster agrees to and affirms that any content or images provided to OBC is not copyrighted material unless attribution is also provided (and permitted by the original creator).
Frequency of articles (if more than one) is based on Guest Poster’s topic choice, article choice, and Guest Poster availability.
Optimal Business Consulting (OBC) remains the owner with full rights in perpetuity to any content provided to us for purposes of publishing to our website.